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    Info Lowongan Pos Indonesia Jobs: 5 Positions dan 1 Lowongan Lainnya

    Info Lowongan Pos Indonesia Jobs: 5 Positions dan 1 Lowongan Lainnya

    Link to - Info Lowongan Kerja Terbaru 2021

    Pos Indonesia Jobs: 5 Positions

    Posted: 16 Apr 2022 01:42 AM PDT

    Pos Indonesia JobsPT Pos Indonesia (Persero) is a State-owned enterprises (SOE) engaged in the courier services, logistics, and financial transactions. The name of PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) is officially used in 1995, having previously used the name dinas PTT (Posts Telegraaf end Telefoon Diensts) in 1906; then turn into Djawatan PTT (Postal Telegraph and Telephone) in 1945; then changed status to Posts and Telecommunications State Corporation (PN Postel) in 1961; and became a PN Post & Giro in 1965, and later became Post and Giro Public Corporation in 1978.

    Angkasa Pura I Jobs: 9 Positions

    Posted: 16 Apr 2022 12:27 AM PDT

    Logo BUMNLogo Angkasa Pura IThe Company was established on February 20, 1962 and was inaugurated  based on the Government Regulation No. 33/1962. As the pioneer of commercial airport business in Indonesia, the duties and responsibilities of PN Angkasa Pura Kemayoran was to manage Kemayoran Airport in Jakarta as the first international airport in Indonesia. After managing the operations of Kemayoran Airport in Jakarta for two years, PN Angkasa Pura Kemayoran officially took over all assets and operations of Kemayoran Airport in Jakarta from the Ministry of Transportation on February 20, 1964. The Ministry of Transportation transferred all assets to the Company on February 20, 1964, which was then commemorated as the date of the Company’s establishment.

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